How Do You Successfully Use UX in Gamification?

Let’s get this show on the road. Adding game elements to the non-game context has been shown to improve the user experience while increasing engagement and conversion. 

UX Designers, programmers, and marketers are increasingly recognizing the tremendous potential of games to create memorable and engaging user experiences. Such is the case with Grow Uperion, a motivational platform that takes game mechanics to a new level by applying it to training, onboarding, and even mundane tasks.  

In this article, we will show you how GU takes advantage of UI and UX design in their gamification platform.

Game elements in design thinking 

Because users expect a product to be straightforward and pleasurable to use, the idea of adding a "fun" aspect to UX design is obvious.  

But how can you make the product entertaining to use? You can make it interactive and appealing enough to keep new users engaged. This is the case with a mobile app such as Wish, which drives users with their digital products thank to functionalities such as push notifications or a progress bar. However, it's easier with  purchase-based platforms. 

What about employee motivation, an idea that is much more vague and less measurable? To address the issue, the approach known as gamification was developed. 

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7 Challenges You Can Gamify in Your Company


Grow Uperion

Grow Uperion is a platform for motivating users based on both their needs and the company's expectations. And here is the kicker: thanks to the use of game mechanics, such as systems for rewarding users or displaying leader boards, it boosts the team's productivity and encourage users to achieve goals. 

Thanks to the application of gamification in a UX workplace environment, a whole new world can be revealed - and analysed. 

UX design versus Gamification strategy  

Since the gamification mechanisms used in the GU platform are user-centric, they obviously need to be in line with the principles of UX and UI. You would not want to go back to a motivational platform that has no regard for users, would you? The right attitude towards users and their needs is the backbone of gamification. And, of course, a bit of a fun game element.  

Learn about the basic components of UX design that give us a broad overview of the positive aspects of end user experience: Usefulness, Usability, Credibility and much more. 

Let us dive in and see how some of these UX fundamentals are integrated into gamification. 


"Your content should be original and fill a need" - Here is what's interesting: GU offers a unique gamification platform that enables remote, on-site and mixed teams to work productively. Thanks to GU, they can truly engage in their tasks, increase their productivity and develop a sense of belonging. 

In the uncertain times of changing government regulations and work patterns, a platform that can motivate users is needed more than ever. Gamification elements and user data are combined to create an original and user-friendly mix. Seriously, employing game like elements is an essential component of motivation in a workplace today.


"The website needs to be easy to use" - This is pretty obvious once you think about it. The GU gamification platform is intuitive and innovative in design, with the overall layout and individual subpages matching the company's brand. Users receive a complex, yet simple solution.

What they do not tell you, however, is that the UX design is easy and exciting to use thanks to the gaming elements. User's interaction is facilitated and exciting at the same time. Each new task appears in the form of a quest, while other users are represented as icons on a map together with group results. The clear and easy-to-use website also allows the results to be displayed in points. 


"Image, identity, brand, and other design elements are used to evoke emotion and appreciation of users" . Think of it this way. This UI component emerges in GU gamification through the graphic design of the platform and the graphic layout of the leader boards or scores. My point is that gamification itself enables you to evoke human emotion.

 The intense feeling of healthy competition, the urge to achieve better results, and the feeling of belonging to a community are synonymous with appreciation. A great example of this is the adaptable visual identity of the website, which can be customised to match the preferred brand of the company in question. The encouraging graphic design mimics playful elements such as badges and stickers that pique the interest of users. The "Desirable" section can be ticked.


 “Users must trust and believe what you tell them” – When you mix game design and human psychology in order to motivate people you need to back it up. The simple truth is that gamification strategy makes use of verified and proven methods of engaging users and facilitating onboarding and trainings procedures. There is a large body of scientific studies that delve into the idea of gamification in the workplace and analyse the effectiveness of game elements - transparent leader boards and a culture of openness are just a few.

The good news is that the basic techniques of successful gamification, such as interactive quizzes and systems to reward users, make such platforms trustworthy and effective. Increasing user engagement is ensured when a gamified website is credible and accounted for.

Increasing user engagement 

Gamification can successfully incentivize users thanks to application of game mechanics in the user interfaces.  However, it is also critical to stress that it needs to be done right. It's not enough to simply gamify a digital experience - you must follow the principles of UX and overcome negative associations. 

Does engagement through gamification sound interesting to you?

Make an appointment for a free consultation and see how GrowUperion can help you achieve your company's specific goals.